ICATS (Industrial Coatings Applicator Training Scheme)
This is a training scheme for the registration, training and certification of industrial surface preparation and coating operatives.  This scheme consists of 6 modules that will ensure compliance with training in Industrial Coatings Applicator, including: 

  • Site Access
  • Health and Safety
  • Plant and Equipment
  • Surface Preparation
  • Paint Types and Application
  • Quality Control

Many major structure owners and projects require ICATS training due to the increase in the demands of the industry.  Highways and Rails are used more now than ever, and proper training is a requirement to ensure these areas are prepared and coated properly.  There are many industries that are benefited when using ICATS operatives.   These include:  

  • Highways, Bridges, and Gantries
  • Bridges, Underground, and Railway stations
  • Offshore and Petrochemical structures
  • Power Generation
  • Environmental barriers, structures, and sluce gates
  • All major structural projects

ICATS was introduced and developed by Correx in an effort to decrease the costs associated with previous coatings that were completed using unqualified and unskilled operatives.  The previous coatings had a significantly higher risk of failure, which led to the development of ICATS.  Today, the training provides proper practices to ensure a safe working environment, as well as providing standards in surface preparations and applications.
The Network Rail and Highways Agency to ensure that industrial coatings are applied properly, and follow the standards that provide the most safety and lessened risk of failure now mandate the ICATS scheme.  The ICATS programs is recognised by the Construction Skills Certification Scheme, and allows anyone who has passed it to apply for the CSCS card providing they have passed the NVQ standard level 2.
Paint application training is designed to be on the job training, and is recommended for both new hires and experienced workers.  All training is completed in a timely manner, and assessments are available at different times to ensure it does not interfere with their daily work requirements.
ICATS certification is an important step in creating a better business.  When you can show that all workers have been properly trained to execute the tasks in a manner that meets standards, your organisation shows your dedication to handle all industrial projects that require painting in a professional and efficient manner.  Your employees will have the skills needed to complete these projects in the correct way, which will lead to more customer satisfaction.
Operatives that complete the ICATS scheme will have the ability to both prepare and paint structures properly.  Completion and passing of the ICATS Basic will allow your employees to be considered for both Highways Agency and Network Rail industrial coating application needs if they have met the requirements for NVQ level 2.  This will increase the rating of your business, which will lead to greater profits.  If you want to ensure that your organisation has the skills to apply industrial painting standards, and provide these services in the safest manner, you need to invest in ICATS today.